SSD Lawyers in Southern Pines Getting You Much-Needed Results
If you or a loved one are facing a disability claim, the Social Security Disability lawyers at our law firm in Southern Pines can help. Our team is well-equipped to navigate the often complex and lengthy filing process for SSD benefits. We understand this is an emotional time for those injured or disabled, and we strive to provide compassionate and effective legal representation throughout your case. We aim to ensure that you receive all the financial support you need during this difficult period.
From determining whether or not a claim is legitimate to representing clients in administrative hearings, Brent Adams & Associates is here to help every step of the way. By expeditiously securing SSD benefits on behalf of our clients, we guarantee that they will have the safety net they need as soon as possible.
If you or someone close to you is facing a disability claim, our SSD lawyers in Southern Pines can help. Call 910-226-2797 for a free consultation.
What is Social Security Disability?
Social Security Disability (SSD) is a government-funded program that offers financial assistance to those who cannot work due to a physical or mental disability. The eligibility criteria for SSD benefits are based on an individual’s medical condition, age, and past work history. To be eligible, the applicant must have been employed in some capacity for at least five out of the previous ten years before disability onset and must have a medically determinable impairment lasting one year or longer that prevents them from engaging in any gainful employment.
Benefits may include monthly cash payments and additional services such as Medicare or Medicaid health care coverage. Applicants must understand that SSD benefits are contingent upon meeting the eligibility requirements. To ensure you receive the full benefits owed, it is highly recommended that you seek out the help of an experienced SSD lawyer. An attorney can provide legal guidance throughout the application process and help you better understand your rights and legal options.
What are Common Mistakes Made When Applying for SSD?
Accurate and comprehensive information should be submitted when applying for SSD benefits. This includes a detailed medical history with diagnoses, treatments, medications, and doctor’s notes. Additionally, it is important to provide employment and tax documents, if applicable, as well as evidence of any other income sources. Neglecting to include this information or submitting incomplete applications can lead to delays in the claim process and even denials.
Furthermore, many applicants fail to provide sufficient documentation of their mental disability when filing claims. Mental impairments are often hard to prove due to the subjective nature of these disabilities. The guidance of an experienced attorney during this process can make all the difference in securing proper financial assistance for those who need it most. A knowledgeable lawyer can help ensure an application is properly completed, and all necessary documents are included so that the SSA will process the individual’s claim more quickly and accurately.
What If I’m Denied SSD Benefits?
The SSD claims process is often long and difficult. In many cases, applicants are denied benefits even with a legitimate claim. Don’t give up! Our lawyers in Southern Pines have extensive experience representing claimants in administrative hearings to help them receive the financial assistance they need after a denial. We understand how frustrating it can be for those with legitimate disabilities to be turned down for much-needed benefits, and we will do everything in our power to fight for you. With our experienced legal team on your side, you can rest assured that your chances of successfully appealing your denial are greatly increased.
How Can an SSD Lawyer Help Me?
An SSD lawyer can help you navigate the complex and lengthy filing process for Social Security Disability benefits. They know disability law, understand which documents need to be submitted with a claim, and will fight on your behalf if it is denied. With their skill, an attorney can ensure all necessary information is included in your application.
An experienced lawyer will also provide legal guidance throughout the claims process and represent you at administrative hearings should they become necessary. Having an advocate by your side makes a tremendous difference when applying for SSD benefits. Don’t hesitate to contact our team of lawyers in Southern Pines today at 910-226-2797.